Robot Adventures 4.5.2020

Session 1:  English: This week, you will become Authors and write your robot fantasy story. Today, we need to plan our stories so that we are ready to write...


Session 1: 

English: This week, you will become Authors and write your robot fantasy story. Today, we need to plan our stories so that we are ready to write them. Follow the link to the story planning sheet: Session 1 Plan your story

Maths: This week we will be recapping counting in 2’s and looking at multiples of two through grouping. We will also be introducing the multiplication sign ‘X’. Today we are practising grouping items into groups of 2 and determining how many there are all together. Maths Session 1 counting and grouping in 2s

Phonics: Today we are looking at the alternative spelling ‘ey’. We are going to blend and segment word with the ‘ey’ sounds in and see if we can spot any patterns. Phonics ey spelling.

Spelling: We are learning about plurals this week. Today we will focus on the spelling rules of adding -s to certain words when there is more than one e.g. 1 cat –> 3 cats Spelling plurals challenge 1

Reading: Today your reading challenge is to play the fairy tale story board game. You will need to answer the challenge question cards to see how well you know the stories. Session 1 Reading comprehension game


Session 2: 

English: Today, we will be writing the beginning and the middle of our fantasy stories. Have your story plan ready to help you remember the key events of your story. Be imaginative, Be magical, Be creative and have lots of fun writing….Session 2 writing the story

Maths: Today we are looking at how multiples and groups of two can be represented in a range of different ways. Then in this activity you are going to match all of the different representations together. How many different ways is each number represented?Different representations of 2s

Phonics: Today use your new knowledge of the ‘ey’ spelling to write your own sentences. Remember your capital letters, full stops and finger spaces throughout. To make your sentence more exciting make sure you add noun phrases and speech marks !Phonics ey spelling session 2

Spelling: Plurals… Today, we will focus on the spelling rules of adding -es to certain words when there is more than one. Remember that you usually  add -es when the word has a hissing or shushing sound at the end! Spelling plurals challenge 2

Reading: Follow the link an alien reading challenge, remember they are out to trick you, will you let them beat you or will you sound out each sound and highlight the digraphs and tri-graphs to help you? Session 2 Alien Reading Challenge


Session 3: 

English: Today, we are writing the end of our stories. Re-read what you’ve already written and check your story plan before you start. How will your magical, fantasy story end? Session 3 writing the end of your story

Maths:  Today we are looking at solving maths word problems about multiples of 2. We are also looking at the difference between a multiple of 2 and counting in 2s. Solve 2s multiplication problems

Phonics: Follow the link to read and find out the names of the aliens! Use your sound buttons to help you! Then draw your own aliens and create names with the ‘ey’ spelling in.Phonics ey spelling session 3

Spelling: Today, your challenge is to sort the words into adding -s or -es when there is more than one of the noun e.g. bus____ (-s or -es) bin (-s or -es). Remember to listen out for that hissing sound…but also to read the word and check what comes at the end of it. Spelling plurals challenge 3

Reading: Today is a ‘roll and read’ challenge which helps you to re-visit some Phase 5 phonic sounds. Take a dice and roll away… how fast can you read, did you get faster the more you practiced? Because these are NOT alien / nonsense words you are encouraged to sight read these words to develop fluency and accuracy. It is only non-sense words that you MUST sound out! Session 3 Roll and Read phase 5

Sessions 4 and 5: 

Design and Technology:This week in your Design and Technology learning, you will be creating the Robot you designed in week 1. You will need to think about the shapes and materials that will work best with your design e.g. if you have designed a cuboid shaped body, what will you use to create this shape? You need to think of one part of the Robot that will move, follow the links for ideas in how you can achieve this. Session 4 & 5 Design and Technology ‘The Moving Robot’

Computing:  This week you will be practicing how to programme a robot. Can you and your parents download the ‘BEEBOT’ app to a tablet or smartphone because your challenge is to use the directional language and instructions to navigate the ‘beebot’ (robot) across the screen. Think about how to correct your instructions if you make a mistake, we call this debugging! Follow the link to access the : Beebot app